
Hi from Singapore

Hey everybody,

Its been very long since I blogged. Feels like ages. I had a good time in India with family and have just landed in Singapore.Monsoon was pretty active in India. Rained continously for a week that we were house bound and bored. Another 2 days of rain we would have had to use boats. Most of the areas were flooded with no transport. I was scared that I will get baked in the hot tropical sun.Thank God there was no sunshine at all! lol!
I will be in Singapore for a week before I return back home. Can’t wait to catch up on everybody and all the new things happening. Missed the scrapbooking and stamping world a lot.how are you all doing? Whats news?
This afternoon I am going to sightseeing in Singapore, followed by some window shopping.

Here are a few photos from India I would like to share. Enjoy!

See you soon.
